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AMAZON A+ Content or Amazon Enhanced Brand content (EBC)

Amazon offers A+ content to merchants on the Vendor Central sales platform as a way add more appealing, in-depth information to their listing’s product description.

AMAZON A+ Content Or Amazon Enhanced Brand content is a premium content feature offered by Amazon, that enables you to add additional images and text placements in the product description field of a branded ASINs. According to Amazon, A+ Content has the potential to increase your sales

by 3-10%. The central objective of adding Enhanced Content to your Amazon product listing is increasing conversions.

Adding A+ content to your product listing can result in

  • Higher conversion rates: The EBC help customers better understand and visualize how your product solves their needs and can thereby inspire the final click on the ‘Buy’ button.
  • Reduced return rate: a deeper understanding of your product and its benefits ensures that customers can make a better purchase decision and don’t feel the need to return your item.
  • Positive reviews: More information and better purchase decisions lead to happier customers leaving raving reviews.
  • Increase ROI of PPC campaigns: getting people to click on your PPC campaign is one thing, inspiring them to buy the product another. Convincing and appealing A+ Content helps with the latter, thereby reducing the costs of each advertised sale to increase your overall ROI